I'm sick. It never fails. Anytime I get a severe allergy attack, it turns in to a head cold. Added to that, the last four weeks have been taxing on me both physically and emotionally. I'm drained. But that isn't stopping anything. Like I've discussed before, the world is still going on. There's no stopping just because I'm grieving or because my head feels like a hot air balloon. Nope, no one is waiting on me. Damn it.
It's labor day. A day to celebrate and thank the hard workers out there who spend their days making a living for those they love. I assure you that Steven would have been working today. He worked the day after our wedding while I was still in bed sleeping off the hangover. He tried selling guns on our honeymoon to a couple from St. Louis. He worked on Christmas Eve (don't get me started). That was his life. He worked ALL THE TIME. I feel that right now he's probably making some improvements to the pearly gates, or talking God in to building on to heaven. Maybe he's selling guns to old war veterans. Maybe he's living in a hut on a beach with a tiny shitty boat with long hair and a long beard chilling to Kenny Chesney music and making tiki jewelry. What ever he's doing, I'm sure he's busy, and I'm sure he's the best at it.
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