Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chances are

This time of year for the last several years starts a trend on facebook where people post one thing they are thankful for each day. Here's an example: "Day #1- I'm sooo thankful for my family! I wouldn't be where I am without their love! Day #2- I'm soooo thankful for my husband! He's my best friend. Day #3: I'm sooo thankful for my kids! They keep me going every day. etc..." Why now? I understand the tie in with thanksgiving and all, but I find it really sad that people need a 'game' or excuse to announce to the world who/what they are most thankful for. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a big fan of facebook posting (aside from humorous anecdotes). This trend is such a reminder of that. Its so generic!

You know what I'm thankful for today? The fact that I couldn't sleep last night. I walked in to my living room at 1:30am wide awake and it was snowing.There were no cars, no phones ringing, and no dog barking (God love her). It was beautiful. It was quiet. I wouldn't have seen that had my life experiences not lead me to that moment, chances are. Chances are.

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